What is Kambo?
Kambo derives from the secretion of the Amazonian giant waxy tree frog Phyllomedusa Bicolor. The secretion is extremely rich in bioactive peptides and neuropeptides that produce incredible benefits for the body, mind, and soul.
A peptide is a signaling molecule that keeps the body in homeostasis and allows for high performing cellular efficiency. We have over 7,000 naturally occurring peptides that play a crucial role in overall cellular functioning throughout the body.
As we age and are exposed to the toxins and stress of modern life, peptides begin to ebb, causing the cells to arrest.
Kambo peptides interfere with the cellular aging process and gives the cells what they need to function properly and do what they are programmed to do. Kambo allows all systems to operate at peak efficiency, literally infusing the body with the fountain of youth.
Kambo heals through prevention and regeneration at a cellular level.
The medicine of Kambo has been used for over 2000 years and contains one of the highest concentrations of peptides found in nature. Tribes of the Amazon often refer to Kambo as "Hunting Magic" as it strengthens the physical body, clears and sharpens the mind, and cleanses negative energy revitalizing the spirit. Kambo creates spaciousness where we once felt stuck, stretching our capacity to be fully present in our lives.
The Kambo we serve is 100% ethically and sustainably harvested from reputable sources directly from the tribes with great care and skill. The frog is always unharmed during the extraction process.

Benefits of Kambo
Kambo offers a shift in medicine as we have known it from an old paradigm of disease-killing to a "new" (though ancient) way of healing through improving wellness in the body, mind, and soul at a cellular level.
Kambo has analgesic properties that have the potential to provide pain relief up to 40 times stronger than morphine without the addictive high that comes from opiates. Many people who suffer from autoimmune diseases such as Lyme have found incredible benefits from aiding in relieving their symptoms and putting life back into their bodies.
Kambo has shown itself to be an efficacious modality in assisting people with depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
Kambo benefits the body in deeply physiological ways, can help release traumas and bring mental clarity, emotional stability, and clears the channel through which spirit flows. Kambo makes you feel good.
Healing with Kambo
Scientists have isolated a number of biochemical components within Kambo that have a variety of positive effects within the human body. Scientists believe there is a potential use for Kambo in the medical and pharmacological space. There are currently over 140 peptides involved in therapeutic treatments, with more than 500 used in preclinical development, and 60 that are FDA approved on the market.
Groups in the Amazon, including the Katukina, Ashaninka, Yawanawa, and the Matses were the first to discover Kambo and its beneficial uses for the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual body. The strong belief in Kambo still persists in the tribal culture.
The only way to truly discover how Kambo can support your journey is to sit with it - in a safe setting, with an experienced, well-intentioned facilitator. We offer private and group Kambo ceremonies in service of your greatest healing potential.
Spiritual Healing
Removal of negative energies - Kambo removes negative energies known as ‘Panema’ which is an Arawak word used to describe a cloud of dense negative energies that grows over time in your auric field. The Arawak believe this causes depression, laziness, and lethargy. Panema brings bad luck and causes negative things to happen to a person. The purging that’s caused by Kambo is mainly the purging of this negative energy to be transmuted into new renewed energy.
Purify the mind and spirit - Sitting with Kambo will allow you to hit the spiritual reset button. Removing all that is impure and starting anew on your journey.
Bring luck - Clients feel supported in their endeavors and that they move through life with greater ease after a Kambo session.
Physical Healing
Lowered blood pressure - many of the peptides have vasodilatory effects, meaning that they widen blood vessels. This allows more room for blood to flow and so contributes to lower blood pressure. Indeed, these are what cause some of the light-headedness and dizziness that can be felt when taking Kambo.
Pain relief - there are analgesic effects of Kambo, as well as anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the inflammation associated with some type of pain, as well as other compounds that have some opioid-like effects, and that can also cross the blood-brain barrier, causing pain blocking effects within the brain itself.
Anti-cancer properties - an indirect result of the action of some compounds found in Kambo lead to reduced blood vessel growth, which is a property used in a number of treatments that can help to restrict tumor growth in cancers with targeted delivery.
Heart protective properties - in addition, this widening of blood vessels can increase blood flow to the heart. Along with some of the other effects on smooth muscle, Kambo has the potential to aid heart health.
Anti-microbial properties - many of the compounds have effects to fight against fungal and bacterial infections. Actually, this is one of the reasons why the frog from which Kambo is harvested secretes this substance in the first place - to help protect its skin from fungal and bacterial infection, which are a particular menace to amphibians.
Increased strength and physical endurance - those of us that enjoy the call of the gym, as well as the call of Kambo can often attest that some of our best sessions come in the days after a Kambo ceremony. The weights feel a little lighter and the grind a little easier.
Encourage fertility - Kambo helps bring our bodies into optimal harmony and balance on a cellular level, creating ideal conditions for conception.
Heightened senses - vision, hearing, smell, touch. Often people report an extra sharpness to the senses days following a Kambo session.
Treatment of malaria and snake bites - a common problem in the jungle, and ones that benefit from the purging of toxins that Kambo provides.
Emotional Healing
Reduced stress - whether it’s the reduction in cortisol, or the sense of connection to self and source from practicing Kambo, stress and problems can seem diminished and much further away after a Kambo session.
Sense of calm - the calm that descends after the purge in Kambo can last a number of days and can be integrated to last much longer. Everything seems quieter, calmer, and more manageable.
Increased compassion and courage - you may find yourself reacting a little differently to things that come up in your life. Empathy and compassion replace annoyance and distaste. Where you shied away, Kambo encourages you to stand up.
Reduced frustration, anger and anxiety - emotions that don’t serve you can be released and lessened. The medicine of Kambo challenges you enough to remind you how strong and capable you are.
Mental Healing
Mental clarity - sometimes it feels like thinking can come easier. There’s less chatter and thoughts whirling around in your brain. You are generally less in your head.
Treatment of addiction - helping to reset certain chemical pathways in the brain that are blocked by addiction. Some of the peptides are opioid-receptor binding, meaning that they bind to the receptors in the brain that opiates normally bind to. Kambo could help those with opiate addiction by helping to normalize the brains hormonal responses without the need for opiate ingestion.
Improved mood and reduced anxiety - possibly from the interactions that lead to reductions in the main stress hormone, cortisol, within the bloodstream.

Meet Kelsey Marie MPH, LMT
Tribal Detox Advanced Certified Kambo Practitioner
Kelsey is a gentle and devoted servant of the Earth and natural healing modalities. Her heart centered leading is grounded in her experience with sacred medicines as well as years of steadfast inquiry, study, and embodiment of physical, philosophical, and theological pursuits.
Kelsey is the founder and facilitator of Great Lakes Kambo.

What Clients Say

"The healer you have been looking for
is your own courage to know and love yourself completely"
Yung Pueblo